Product Information
When choosing organic cotton, the crops are not treated with pesticides, insecticides, herbicides or genetically modified organisms (GMO’s). These substances are harmful to farmers, workers, to us as consumers and to the entire wildlife eco-system. Organic cotton is grown in a way that uses methods and materials that are low impact on our environment. A key aspect with organically grown techniques is that it replenishes and maintains soil fertility and builds bio-diverse agriculture. Organic cotton uses far less water than conventionally grown cotton. Today, less than 1% of all cotton grown is organic. One simple decision. One simple choice can literally have a positive impact on everyone involved in the supply chain from seed to YOU – the consumer. Not only are you having a positive impact on the lives of our farmers but you are also contributing to cleaner rivers and streams around the world. HauteCoton wants to empower consumers to have choice!
Most people think about their health during their waking hours. We forget that our bodies are actually doing the most rejuvenating while we are sleeping. The processing of non-organic bedding relies heavily on the use of chemicals. These chemicals may remain in your bedding and affect your overall health through inhalation and skin absorption and can irritate people with sensitive skin or allergies. Just think about that one for a second. The process of non-organic methods for bedding can affect our health through inhalation and skin absorption. We’ll say it again. Your bedding can affect your health through what you’re breathing in while sleeping and what you’re absorbing through your skin while lying in bed. We spend a 1/3 of our lives in bed. HauteCoton wants to empower consumers to have choice!
The cotton used in our organic products is grown and processed using methods set forth by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). GOTS is “the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by an independent certification of the entire textile supply chain. The aim of the standard is to define worldwide-recognized requirements that ensure organic status of textiles from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to packaging, labelling, trading and distribution of all textiles. This provides credible assurance to the end consumer. Textile processors and manufacturers are enabled to export their organic fabrics and garments with one certification accepted in all major markets”
In order for our product to meet GLOBAL ORGANIC TEXTILE STNADARDS (GOTS), our manufacturer must meet certain requirements, including socially responsible criteria from working with the farmers in an ethical manner, to harvesting the organic cottonseed, to using environmentally friendly procedures, to ethically manufacturing and producing our product. We have visited the manufacturing facility ourselves and seen with our own eyes the labor and livelihood of all workers involved. This was important to us. We needed and wanted to do this in order to have peace of mind, so we can truly stand behind our product and the HauteCoton brand with 100% certainty. We are providing a product that is aligned with the way we also choose to live. This is our promise to you.
Furthermore, we are happy to be working with a manufacturer that goes above and beyond for their employees. All workers are paid well above the minimum wage stipulated by the Government of India. In addition to wages, workers receive many allowances and premiums such as a house rent allowance (5%), a provident fund (12%), yearly bonus (14% of total wages), canteen allowances providing a full well-balanced meal served daily, transport to and from the factory for those employees’ living further away, medical insurance benefits for employees’ and their families as well as supporting education for over 160 of their employees’ children. This program has been running since 2009.
A third-party European auditor from Social Accountability International audits the factory on a yearly basis and must meet the SA8000's criteria. This certificate consists of various industry and corporate codes to create a common standard for social welfare compliance. Our manufacturer is also audited annually by the Control Union in order to maintain the GOTS certification for organic cotton products and processes. The US Fairtrade association has also audited the facilities for safe and fair labor practices and has granted our manufacturer the Fairtrade US certification. In addition to this, our manufacturer also received the internationally recognized certification for Fairtrade practices. It is the most widely recognized and trusted ethical label in the world.